Monday, May 12, 2008



1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?

Both my compendium of course and my first Lab project, it was very fun!

2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement?

Probably my essay and my quizzes

3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?

an A. I think I have worked pretty hard this semester.

4. How could I perform better in the next unit?

If there was one, probably better or the same.

REGARDING THE UNIT (adapted from Stephen Brookfield, University of St. Thomas "Critical Incident Questionnaire")
  1. At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?

    I would say chapter 16 & 17. I really got into the project.

  2. At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course?

    I had to re-read chapter 23, I don't know what I really didn't understand it, but I got it now.

  3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful?

    Probably when the teacher told us this unit had to be done but the actual due date and a nice reminder in the emails. thanks!

  4. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing?

    I would say the main project, I had the hardest time finding the "right lizard" the right "tree"!

  5. What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.) that I finished in time and I started early. I think starting early shows in my work because I had more time to make it look great!


This is an image of a swimming pool in Japan. I'd say that this country is overcrowded!!

Is population the problem? And who should reproduce?

I never thought to sit down and think about our population or any countries population and to think we could lose resource to “live”. If our resources are low then yes I would think our population is a problem. Is it everyone’s problem? YES!

A child in the US consumes the same resources as 30 children would in India and 300 in Ethiopia. Other third world countries don’t have the same resources, money, and education like the US does. If other countries are in danger of having diseases, malnutrition and keep producing then each country should try and help the “cause”.

I really do believe that the “under developed” countries need more help about education and the cause of our population. If they had the resources of contraceptives I’m sure that would help a whole lot with their population and help them with their resources, the population won’t be such a big deal.

I’m not sure if anyone has a right to tell anyone “who should reproduce”. It’s they’re choose and their bodies. Instead of tell someone “hey you can’t have any more children” the key is to education, let them know what our future can hold, about limited resources, then let them decide on what they want to do.

I think the developing economy is a problem also but it’s a problem that can’t be stop. We ourselves choose what we eat and how much we eat. We eat what resources we have, fast food, chips, soda while other countries are eating what they find to eat. Third world countries need the developing economies than the US does, for survival. I’m not saying the third world should eat chips and pizza, but need the resources to grow food and to raise animals that give them food.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lab Project: Species

Lab Project
This lab I will show picture of 20 or more species I interact with on a daily basis. Each will have their picture, scientific name, ecological principle and a explanation of my interaction with them and their interaction with other species.

1. Common Name: Pug
Scientific name: (canis Lupus Familiaris)
Ecological principles: Symbolic
I choose my Pug (homer). He is one of the first animals I see every morning. I follows me around till I feed him and he is small but very protective of me. A pug is a domestic dog, a good pet.

2. Common Name: Chihuahua
Scientific Name: (Canis lupus Familiaris)
Ecological Principles: Symbolic
My other dog, Babygirl. Shes a playful one and likes to hop around when she see anyone. A Chihuahua is a domestic dog.

3. Common Name: Cats
Scientific Name: (Felis silvestris)
Ecological Principles: Symbolic
My cats, a domestic animal (I have three) I had them since they were babies now they are adults and very lazy now but still like to cuddly and play

4. Common Name: Hummingbirds
Scientific Name: (Family Trochilidae)
Ecological Principles: Commerical
I have bird feeds outside so I hear the humming birds a lot in the morning.

5. Common Name: Pigeon-
Scientific Name: (Columba livia)
Ecological Principles: Symbolic
I found this bird injured and now it can’t fly. Instead of leaving for other animals to eat I took it in and feed it. So its my bird. He/she is still scared of me but I still feed it and it slowly getting use to seeing me.

6. Common Name: tumbleweed
Scientific Name: (salsola tragus)
Ecological Principles: commensal
I see tumbleweeds everywhere I go, especially when it’s windy and they blow around. They grow anywhere they please and don’t need a lot of water to grow but die quick from the sun’s heat.

7. Common Name: Yucca-
Scientific Name: ( Yucca baccata)
Ecological Principles: commensal
I see these plants when I go running. I know some people use these plants to make baskets. But Yucca plants are parasitic, don’t need to much rain to grow flowers and can get very tall. These kind of plants are common in Arizona.

8. Common Name: Horse-
Scientific name: Equus caballus
Ecological Principles: Symbolic
My dad’s horse, Tex. This horse is older than I am!! I found horses to be symbolic because its like having a friend and horses can be loyal by not running away or bunking their owner off of them. A horse is an domestic animal.

9. Common Name: Lizard-
Scientific Name: (Urosaurus ornatus)
Ecological Principle: Commensal
My dogs and cats find these lizard around my yard and I find them in my plants. They don’t bother me and I don’t bother them because they usually run away very quick anyways. Lizards are common in the desert especially Arizona.

10. Common Name: Ants-
Scientific Name: (Paratrechina longicornis)
Ecological Principle: Parasitic
When I see outside at times I get bite by one of these and they HURT.

11. Common Name: Juniper tree-
Scientific Name: (Juniperus)
Ecological Principle: Mutualism
I see these trees often around my area. I see them benefiting us in the future for wood, to keep our environment growing, oxygen, and well shade when were hiking. They benefit when they grow tall and stronger.

12. Common Name: Housefly
Scientific name: (Musca Domestica)
Ecological Principle: Commensal
I think only flies’s benefit for themselves. For human and pets, well they are annoying because they fly around our food/drinks and at times around our faces!!

13. Common Name: House plants (roses)-
Scientific name: (Rosa roxburghii)
Ecological Principles: Mutualism
I think people and the plant both benefit from each other. The owners of the plants like having plants around their house and the owners water the plants to make it grow bigger. The plants benefit because humans because the humans water them to keep them alive.

14. Common Name: Cotton-
Scientific name: (Gossypium)
Ecological Principle: Parasitic
People are the only who cut down the cotton plants to makes clothes or other products that humans use. So the people cause harm to the cotton plant.

15. Common Name: Milk-
Scientific Name: (Bos Taurus)
Ecological Principle: Mutualism
Many people drink milk to help with our bones and to grow. The cows we get them from live and the human takes care of them to keep getting milk, so both benefit from each other.

16. Common Name: Corn
Scientific Name: (Zea mays)
Ecological Principle: Mutualism
Both people and the plant benefit from each other. The people eat the corn but the people also help the corn stay alive to keep growing.

17. Common Name: Goldfish-
Scientific Name: (carassius auratus)
Ecological Principle: Symbolic
Both the goldfish and the owner benefit from each other. Many goldfish owners take care of their fish and love it and treat it like a pet. The goldfish like their owners because it’s the owner who feeds them when they get hungry.

18. Common Name: Ticks-
Scientific Name: (Dermacentor variables)
Ecological Principle: Predation
We kill it if it does us harm or our pets. When a dog or cat has to many ticks they can get an infection from them and cause death. It can even bite humans but once we feel it we located it and kills it. They can hold a lot of blood in their tiny bodies and expand but if no blood is around they eventually starve to death.

19. Common Name: Fleas-
Scientific name: (Ctenocephalides cannis)
Ecological Principle: Predation
These little fleas are on animals and cat, usually dogs. They can bite the dogs and the dogs can try to kill them also but chewing around the area that’s bothering them at. The fleas bite the animals for food and survival.

20. Common Name: Rabbit-
Scientific name: (sylvilagus)
Ecological Principle: Commensal
The rabbit usually don’t harm anyone but look for food for survival. Its usually other animals that eat them. Aren’t they cute to look at?

21. Common Name: Crow-
Scientific Name: (corvus brachyrhynchos)
Ecological Principle: Parasitic
The crows eat smaller animals and even creature that are already dead. They feed on them and can kill for food, for their survival.

Population Lab

Human Population Demographics
This online lab is about demographics. It will show a comparing of the world’s population, fertility rate and mortality rate with one higher fertility rate country and one lower fertility rate country. The rate will be show the date 2050 to see what the population will be like for each country.

What was your high fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?
I chose Africa because it’s a big continent and have a high rate of fertility rate. The fertility rate in the year 2050 is 5.3 children and the population 2 billion. On the graph it shows that most of the population are between the ages 0 to 19 which is all children.

What was your high fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?
I chose Africa because it’s a big continent and have a high rate of fertility rate. The fertility rate in the year 2050 is 5.3 children and the population 2 billion. On the graph it shows that most of the population are between the ages 0 to 19 which is all children.

2. What was your low fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?
I chose Japan because it’s a small country. The birth rate is 1.5 children. The population in the year 2050 is 101 million. On the graph it shows that the birth rate goes down as years go by. Comparing the year 1990 and 2050 the birth rate decreased, showing that the population gets lower each year.
3. The initial demographic "shape" of your high fertility rate country should have been a pyramid, with high population in young age groups. Explain why high fertility rate results in a high percentage of young people in the population. How does this affect future population growth?
The graph in Africa show that most of the younger generation takes up most of the population and also they are the one producing more children. How it effects the future population is that they younger generation will keep having babies at a young age, giving Africa a higher population each year. One thing to be aware of is that Africa have a high rate of AIDS too, which means more children being born with AIDS and more deaths. The population will be harder to control because of the lack of education, money, hospitals, and housings.
4. Your low fertility rate country might have had a more oval-shaped curve with high population in middle age groups. This is especially exaggerated if the fertility rate is below 2.00. Explain why low fertility rate leads to lots of middle-aged people.
In the United States, many are getting the proper education, knowledge of contraceptives, and have a stead income. During the years of “baby boom” many women were getting pregnant a younger age (still in high school) and the younger generation will want more for themselves and will want to go to college before starting a family of their own. With women being involved with their careers and men wanting to wait, and both wanted to have a better education, can delay childbearing till their late twenties to early thirds. The advertisement of college is very helpful too because the younger generation will want to go to college, have some independent before they are ready to settle down to have a family.
5. Write ten adjectives or descriptive phrases for what you might expect life, people's attitudes, conditions on the streets, etc. will be like in each of those situations. Imagine a situation with lots of middle-aged and older people in the population and write ten quick "brain-storm" descriptors for you think it would be like (Prescott, Arizona?). Then do the same for a situation with lots of children in the population.
Middle Age:
I think the people will be more educated, responsible, creative with streets and buildings, clean, concern with the environment, caring and loving, good income, have good knowledge of life, less violence, less drinking and drug use, and a friendlier community.

Lots of Children:
More crimes, low education, unmotivated, less income, dirty communities, no care of the environment, less responsible, rude and mean, have more excitement in life, loud, have an intense life, and single parents.

I noticed that each country is different from one another because they each live and grow in different environments. Also I noticed that in the year 2050 the population for the world will keep increasing and it will be overcrowded making it hard to survive because people will eat more and the farming will get smaller. To help with the population in each country I think they need to understand what our future holds and give them a proper education and knowledge.

Chapters 22,23,24

Chapter 22

Human Evolution

Table of Concepts

  1. Origin of Life
  2. Biological Evolution
  3. Classification of Humans
  4. Evolution of Hominids
  5. Evolution of Humans
  6. Picture Reference

Origin of Life

Chemical Evolution

    • Data suggest that a chemical evolution produced the first cell.
    • Every living thing comes from cells and every cell comes from a preexisting cell.
    • Chemical evolution may have produced the first cell.
    • The Primitive Earth

o The planets, the sun, and the earth formed 10 billions years ago.

o The earth’s mass has a gravitational field that it is strong enough to have an atmosphere.

o Using an outside energy source, small organic molecules were produced by reactions between early earth’s atmospheric gases.

    • Small Organic Molecules
o Stanely Miller’s experiment suggested that the gases of early earth could have become the first organic molecules.

Stanely Miller’s experiment

    • Macromolecules

o Macromolecules evolved and interacted.

o The RNA first hypothesis-only macromolecule RNA was needed for the first cell(s).

o The protein first hypothesis-amino acids join to form polypeptides when exposed to dry heat.

    • The Protocell

o A cell has a lipid-protein membrane.

o The protocell, a heterotrophic fermenter, lived on preformed organic molecules in the ocean.

    • The True Cell

o The protocell eventually became a true cell once it had genes composed of DNA and could reproduce.

  1. Biological Evolution
    • The first true cell were the simplest of life forms.

o A prokaryotic cell, which lack a nucleus.

o Later the eukaryotic cell, which has nuclei, evolved.

o Then multicellularity and other kingdoms developed.

o Biological evolution is the process by which a species changes through time.

§ Has two important aspects

v Descent from a common ancestor explains the unity of living things.

v Adaptation to the different environments explains the great diversity of living things.

    • Common Descent

o Fossils are the best evidence for evolution because they are the actual remains of species that lived on earth at least 10,000 years ago and up to billions of years ago.

o Fossils can be the traces of past life or and other direct evidence that past life existed.

o The fossil record is the history of life recorded by fossils, and paleontology is the science of discovering the fossil record and, from it, making decisions about the history of life, ancient climates, and environments.


o Biogeography is the study of the distribution of plants and animals in different places throughout the world.

o Anatomical evidence-the common anatomies and development of a group of organisms are explainable by descent from a common ancestor.

o Biochemical evidence- all organisms have similar biochemical molecules.

    • Natural selection

o Natural selection is a population adapted to its local environment.

o Example: that giraffe’s necks are long because they’re food was high in the trees and they adapted.

  1. Classification of Humans
    • The binominal name of an organism gives its genus and species.
    • Classification of humans can be used to trace their ancestry.
    • Humans are primates.

o Primates are adapted to an orboreal life.

o Primate limbs are mobile and hands and feet both have five digits each.

o Primates have binocular vision.

o Have large and complex brain.

o Primates have on birth at a time.

    • Comparing Human Skeleton to the Chimpanzee Skeleton

o Human and chimpanzee are 99% identical the difference is in various genes.

o A primate evolutionary three shows that humans share a common ancestor with African apes.

Evolution of Hominids

Evolution of Primates

    • The first hominids most likely lived about 6-7 MYA. ( including Humans)
    • The First Hominids

o Hominid is a term that refers to our branch of the evolutionary tree.

o Lineage is evolutionary line of descent.

o Molecular clock- mutational changes that accumulate at a presumed constant rate in regions of DNA not involved in adaptation to the environment.

    • Hominid Features

o Bipedal posture walking on two feet.

o Shape of face- humans has a flatter face and more pronounced chin than apes do because humans have shorter jaws.

o Size of brain- chimpanzee have a brain size of 400 cm^3 and human have 1,300 cm^3.

    • Earliest Fossil Hominids

o Sahelanthropus tschadensis, dated at 7 MYA, was found by Chad, located in central Africa.

o Orrorin tugenensis, dated at 6 MYA and found in eastern Africa, the early hominide because the limb anatomy suggests a bipedal posture.

o Ardipithecus kadabba, found in eastern Africa and dated 5.8 and 5.2 MYA, is closely related to the later appearing Ardiphithecus ramidus.

    • Evolution of Australopithecines

o The hominid line of descent begins to earnest with the australopithecines, a group of species that evolved and diversified in Africa.

o Ardipithecines were most likely hominids.

o The evolutionary tree of hominids resembles a bush (not a straight line of fossils leading to modern humans).

o Australopithecines (a hominid) lived about 3 MYA.

o They could walk erect, but they had a small brain.

o This testifies to a mosaic evolution for humans (not all advanced features evolved at the same time).

  1. Evolution of Humans
    • Early Homo

o Fossils are classified as Homo with regard to brain size (over 600cm^3) jaws and teeth (resemble modern humans’) and evidence of tool use.

o Culture, which encompasses human behavior and products, depends upon the capacity to speak and transmit knowledge.

o H. habilis made and used tools and is known to have a culture first.

o H. erectus was the first Homo to have a brain size of more than 1,000 cm^3.

o H. erectus mirgrated from Africa into Europe and Asia.

o H. erectus used fire and may have been big-game hunters.

Evolution of Modern Humans

Human Evolution

o Homo sapiens (modern humans).

o The hypothesis that Homo sapiens evolved in several different locations is called the multiregional continuity hypothesis. (Europe, Africa and Asia).

o The out-of-Africa hypothesis, which proposes that H. sapiens evolved from H. erectus only in Africa, and thereafter H. sapiens migrated to Europe and Asia about 100,000 year BP (before present).

    • Neandertals

o The neandertals were already living in Europe and Asia before modern human arrived.

o They had a culture, but did not have the physical traits of modern humans.

o Lived in caves. They used and could control fire.

o They even buried their dead with flowers and tools, may have been capable to thinking symbolically.

Neandertal families

    • Cro-Magnons

o Cro-Magnons are the oldest fossil to be designated H. sapiens.

§ Their tools were sophisticated and they had a culture.

o Cro-Magnons seen to have replaced neandertals in the Middle East and then spread to Europe.

o May have been the first to have a language.

o Culture included art, paintings they did in caves (located in Spain and France).


  1. Picture Reference

§ Chemical evolution, Human Biology, page 468.

§ Stanely Miller’s Experiment


§ Fossils, Human Biology, page 470

§ Evolution of Primates, Human biology, page 478

§ Human Evolution, Human biology, page 481

§ Neandertals,

§ Cro-Magnons,

Chapter 23

Global Ecology and Human Interferences

Table of Concepts

  1. The Nature of Ecosystems
  2. Energy Flow
  3. Global Biogeochemical Cycles
  4. Picture References

The Nature of Ecosystems

The Major Terrestrail Ecosystems

    • The biosphere is where organisms are found on planet Earth, from the atmosphere above to the depths of the oceans below and everything in between.
    • The entire biosphere is one giant ecosystem, a place where organisms interact among themselves and with the physical and chemical environment.
    • Humans can alter the interaction between organisms and change the ecosystem.
    • Ecosystems

o Scientists recognize several distinctive major types of terrestrial ecosystems, also called biomes.

o Temperature and rainfalls define the biomes, which contain communities of organisms adapted to the regional climate the tropical rain forest, which occurs at the equator, is dominated by large evergreen, broad-leaved trees.

o Terrestrial ecosystems are forest (tropical rain forests, coniferous, temperate deciduous), grassland (savanna and prairie), and deserts, which includes the tundra.

o Aquatic ecosystems are either salt water (seashores, oceans, coral reefs, estuaries) or freshwater (lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams).

o The ocean is a marine ecosystem that covers 70% of the earth’s surface.

    • Biotic Components of an Ecosystem

o The abiotic components of an ecosystem are the nonliving components.

o The biotic components are living things that can be categorized according to their food source.

o Autotrophs require only inorganic nutrients and an outside energy source to produce organic nutrients for their own use and for all the other members of a community. They are called producers-they produce food.

o Heterotrophs need a source of organic nutrients. They are the consumers-they consume food. Herbivores are animals that graze directly on plants or algae.

o Carnivores feed on other animals; birds that feed on insects are carnivores.

o Omnivores are animals that feed both on plants and animals. Humans are omnivores.

o Detritus feeders are organisms that feed on detritus, which is decomposing particles of organic matter. (Marine fan worms, earthworms, some beetles, termites and ants).

o Decomposers feed on detritus, releasing inorganic substances back into the ecosystem.

o Niche is the role of an organism in an ecosystem: how it gets its food and what eats it, and how it interacts with other populations in the same community.

o In a community, each populations has a habitat (residence) and a niche (its role in the community).

Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling

Energy Flow

o Energy flow and chemical cycling characterize ecosystems.

o Energy flow through the populations of an ecosystem.

o Chemical cycle within and among ecosystems.

Energy Flow

Food Web

    • Various interconnecting paths of energy flow are called a food web.
    • A food web is a diagram showing how various organisms are connected by eating relationships.
    • Grazing food webs begin with vegetation eaten by an herbivore that becomes food for a carnivore.
    • Detrital food webs begin with detritus, food for decomposers and for detritivores.
    • Members of detrital food webs can be eaten by aboveground carnivores, joining the two food webs.
    • Trophic Levels

o Diagrams that show a single path of energy flow are called food chains.

o A trophic level is composed of all the organisms that feed at a particular link in a food chain.

    • Ecological Pyramids

o The flow of energy with large losses between successive trophic levels is sometimes depicted as an ecological pyramid.

o Pyramids of biomass eliminate size as a factor because biomass is the number of organisms multiplied by the weights of organic matter within one organism.

o Ecological pyramids illustrate that biomass and energy content decrease from on trophic level to the next because of energy loss.

  1. Global Biogeochemical Cycles
    • The pathways by which chemicals circulate through ecosystems involve both living (biotic) and nonliving (geological) components; therefore, they are known as biogeochemical cycles.

o Can be gaseous or sedimentary.

  • Have reservoirs that contain inorganic nutrients available to living things on a limited basis.
  • Exchange pools are sources of inorganic nutrients.
  • Nutrients cycle among the biotic communities (producers, consumers, decomposers) of an ecosystem.
  • The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle

o The reservoir of the water cycle is freshwater that evaporates from the ocean.

o Water that falls on land enters the ground, surface waters, or aquifers and evaporates again.

o All water returns to the ocean.

o During evaporation in the water cycle, the sun’s rays cause freshwater to evaporate from seawater, and the salt are left behind.

o Vaporized freshwater rises into the atmosphere, condenses, and then falls as precipitation (rain, snow, hail) over the oceans and the land.

o Runoff is water that flows directly into nearby streams, lakes, wetlands or the ocean.

o Humans interfere with the water cycle in three ways:

§ They withdraw water from aquifers

§ They clear vegetable from land and build road and buildings that prevent percolation and increase runoff

§ They interfere with the natural processes that purify water and instead add pollutants like sewage and chemicals to water.

The Carbon Cycle

The Carbon Cycle

o The carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is the exchange pool for the carbon cycle.

o The reservoirs of the carbon cycle are organic matter (forests and dead organisms for fossils fuels), limestone, and the ocean (calcium carbonate shells).

o The exchange pool is the atmosphere

o Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

o Respiration and combustion add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

o Greenhouse gases are contributing significantly to an overall rise in the Earth’s ambient temperature, a phenomenon called global warming because of the greenhouse effect.

The Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

o Nitrogen gas makes up about 78% of the atmosphere, but plants cannot make use of nitrogen gas.

o The reservoir of the nitrogen cycle is the atmosphere.

o Nitrogen gas must be converted to a form usable by plants (producers).

o Nitrogen-fixing bacteria (in root nodules) convert nitrogen gas to ammonium, to form producers can use.

o Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate.

o Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate back to nitrogen gas.

The Phosphorus Cycle

The Phosphorus Cycle

o The reservoir of the phosphorus cycle is ocean sediments.

o Phosphate is ocean sediment becomes available through geological upheaval, which exposes sedimentary rocks to weathering.

o Weathering slowly makes phosphate available to the biotic community.

o Phosphate is a limiting nutrient in ecosystems.

  1. Picture References

Chapter 24

Human Population, Planetary Resources, and Conservation

Table of Concepts

  1. Human Population Growth
  2. Human Use of Resources and Pollution
  3. Biodiversity
  4. Working Toward a Sustainable Society
  5. Picture References

Human Population Growth

World Population Growth

    • Populations have a biotic potential for increase in size.
    • The growth rate of a population is determined by considering the difference between the number of persons born per year and the number who die per year.
    • Biotic potential is normally held in check by environmental resistance.
    • Population size usually levels off at carrying capacity.
    • The MDCs Versus the LDCs

o More-developed countries (MDCs) typified by countries in North America and Europe, are those in which population growth is modest and the people enjoy a good standard of living.

o Less-developed countries (LDCs) typified by some countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, are those in which population growth is dramatic and the majority of people live in poverty.

o MDCs did not always have low population increases.

§ The MDCs have a 0.1% growth rate since 1950.

§ MDCs are approaching a stable population size.

o LDCs growth rate is presently 1.6% after peaking at 2.5% in the 1960s.

§ Age-structure diagrams can be used to predict population growth.

§ LDC populations will continue to increase in size.

Age Structure Diagrams

  1. Human Use of Resources and Pollution
    • Five resources are maximally used by humans:

o Land

o Water

o Food

o Energy

o Minerals

    • Resources are either nonrenewable or renewable.
    • Nonrenewable resources are not replenished and are limited in quantity.
    • Renewable resources are replenished but still are limited in quantity.
    • Land

o Human activities, such as habitation, farming, and mining, contribute to erosion, pollution, desertification, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.

    • Water

o Industry and agriculture use most of the freshwater supply. Water supplies are increased by damming rivers and drawing from aquifers. As aquifers are depleted, subsidence, sinkhole formation, and saltwater intrusion can occur. If used by industries, water conservation methods could cut world water consumption by half.

    • Food

o Food comes from growing crops, raising animals, and fishing.

o Modern farming methods increase the food supply, but some methods harm the land, pollute water, and consume fossil fuels excessively.

o Genetically engineered plants increase the food supply and reduce the needs for chemicals.

o Raising livestock contributes to water pollution and uses fossil fuel energy.

o The increased number and high efficiency of fishing boats have caused the world fish catch to decline.

    • Energy

o Fossil fuel are nonrenewable sources. Burning fossil fuels and burning to clear land for farming cause pollutants and gases to enter the air.

o Greenhouse gases include CO2 (carbon dioxide) and other gases. Greenhouse gases cause global warming because solar radiation can pass through, but infrared heat cannot escape back into space.

o Renewable resources include hydropower, geothermal, wind, and solar power.

    • Minerals

o Minerals are nonrenewable resources that can be mined.

§ Include: sand, gravel, phosphate, and metals.

o Mining causes destruction of the land by erosion, loss of vegetation, and toxic runoff into bodies of water.

o Some metals are dangerous to health. Land ruined by mining can take years to recover.

o Heavy metals (lead, arsenic)

o Ozone shield destruction is associated with CFCs.

o Other synthetic organic chemicals enter the aquatic food chain, where the toxins become more concentrated (biological magnification).

  1. Biodiversity
    • Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. The five major causes of biodiversity loss and extinction are:
o Habitat loss

Habitat loss

o Introduction of alien species

o Pollution

o Overexploitation of plant and animals

o Disease

    • Direct Value of Biodiversity

o Direct values of biodiversity are:

§ Medicinal value (medicines derived from living organisms)

§ Agricultural value

§ Consumptive use values (food production).

    • Indirect Value of Biodiversity

o Biodiversity in ecosystems contributes to:

§ Waste disposal

§ Freshwater provision through the water biogeochemical cycle

§ Prevention of soil erosion, which occurs naturally in intact ecosystems

§ Function of biogeochemical cycles

§ Climate regulation (plants take up carbon dioxide)

§ Ecotourism (human enjoyment of a beautiful ecosystem).

  1. Working Toward a Sustainable Society
    • A sustainable society would always be able to provide the same amount of goods and services for future generations, as it does at present.
    • A sustainable society would use only renewable energy sources, would reuse heat and waste materials, and would recycle almost everything. It would also provide the same goods and services presently provided and would preserve biodiversity.

Learning to Recycle

  1. Picture References