What is food?
Fast food chains are a growing numbers! In most towns and cities there is a McDonald’s, taco bell, KFC, sonic, burger king, etc, etc. Are these places healthy to eat? Maybe if we ate out once in awhile but everyday? Some people say they don’t like to cook then that would mean they eat out. When fast food places first came around they’re serving sizes were at a healthy amount but now there is super size, king size or sonic size!! Many children first works are “Donald’s” (McDonald’s) !!!! What are we eating!!!
Obesity is growing. American is the one number one country with obesity!!! Obesity is affecting our children because as parents/role models we are feed our children the wrong food, we are feeding them chips instead of fruits, candy and soda instead of juice and vegetables, fast food for dinner instead of a home cooked meal. As a mother myself, my four year old son knows McDonald’s because we use to eat out a lot but that has all changed. Being on a budget I found that cooking for my family is a lot cheaper and there is leftovers!! I work as a cashier and I see children, younger than mine getting fountain drinks and I’m always glad that my son doesn’t know what soda is YET. My brother never gave his son soda and today he’s eight years old and doesn’t like the taste because he never had it!! I’m hoping the same for my son.
I think the food pyramid is what everyone needs to go by still. We all need to know what we need to eat and when to stop eating. That is the problem with obesity knowing when to stop eating!! As a family we should all sit at the table and talk instead of eating in front of the television because we don’t really watch what were eating when we are watching our shows!
I have diabetes that run in my family. On my mother side, all her aunts are diabetic, most of her cousins and sister/brothers have high blood pressure. I know that I need to take care of myself, not only for myself but for my son’s health as well.
My boyfriend and I have been watching The biggest Loser: Couples. It’s a addicting show and we want to be healthy and workout. Since I know that I’m saving a lot of money from not eating out, I cook, A LOT! I know the fast food places are trying to help some with society, with adding salads meals and bottle water. So fast food can’t take all the blame, it’s us. We need to education ourselves about food and a health lifestyle so we can live a long healthy life.

yHey...haha... so funny that you say to watch the biggest loser...haha...because I am watching it right now...I love that show!!! Bob can be my trainer!
What are the two best features of the essay?
I liked the way you worked in many aspects of different food topics everything from the overwhelming problem with obesity among not only kids but adults, to food chains, the food pyramid, and your own personal family issues with diabetes.
What are the two things that could most be improved? I liked the essay but are required to give some negative feedback... so the only thing I thought could be improved, which is by the way my opinion, was to slow down with all the questions... because for me my mind was spinning...haha.
What is something new that the essay made you think or reflect upon? Food chains that topic that you covered in your essay made me think of my own life. My essay tied in with that. We are all busy and it is much easier to eat out then to eat in. So I am working to improve on that aspect of my life... it is all a balancing act healthy food, healthy life, healthy family!
What most surprised you in the essay? I think the last paragraph only because you were very honest about your families health problems. I think it is wonderful that you are learning and trying to stop the repetition of the health issues in your family. O and also the fact that your kids has not had a SODA... WOW... that is amazing!
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