1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
it would be my work on Compendium Review, my blood pressure lab and my exercise physiology lab.2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement?
My essay on "what is food" and my food nutrition lab.3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?
I worked pretty hard on this unit, more than the first so I would say I deserve a A :)
4. How could I perform better in the next unit?
I need to work on my essay more and do better on my labs.
5. At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?
the reading!!! These chapters we far way more interesting to read than unit one!!! I recently lost my grandma due to complication of surgery so reading chapter chapter eight was hard but one I needed. I now want to take care of myself more and my family health as well.
6. At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course?
I would say chapter seven I did. It took me awhile to get into the chapter, even having to re-read it couple times but I did.
7.What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful?
I found that the labs were very helpful in understand what unit two was all about. so points to the teacher!
8. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing?
Nothing confusing or puzzling, it was the same as unit one, just a different subjects and different labs :)
9.What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
reading about digestion was a great chapter. I thought I knew where my food was going but in that kind of detail? I was surprised that I got into that chapter and now want to know what i'm eating and to stay healthy.
1 comment:
Tacy John
Thanks for this very honest self-eval. Yes, it really shows that you put in a lot more work on this unit…and maybe because as you say you enjoyed and found the topics more relevant—always great to get past the cells and see what they’re actually doing in our bodies.
Great job…nice images, very thorough, you reference the images. Just the table of contents at the start would be a good addition.
This compendium is great. Very complete. Nice sub-categories. The only thing you add would be a website reference (URL) to the source of your images—never mine, I see them now. And also a little table of contents at the start that outlines all the sub-topics you will cover in the compendium.
Great job on this lab. You show the data and answer all the questions very thoughtfully.
I had a hard time seeing the data in the table. It looks like this is from a different calculator than the one I recommended, but the totals at the bottom gave me the general picture. And you answer the questions very well…
Great job on this lab. You present the data very clearly. Your hypothesis are also clear and you go back and analyze whether they were right or wrong. The Red bull and eating didn’t raise things nearly as much as the jumping jacks, although the Red bull gave a good jump to your blood pressure. Of course if you drink it a lot, then those effects start to be less as your body gets used to it.
Fascinating essay and you bring up a lot of good points. It’s great that you love to cook and it is still much cheaper..and like you say, the leftovers!
Tacy. Great job on this basically flawless unit. You were so right in your self-eval that you put in the time and effort and really did all the assignments as they should be. And I suppose it shows that you liked doing it and found out maybe some interesting things about how your own body works. Thanks again for the hard work,
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