This Model is of a cell and what is inside a cell

DNA replication-When cells divide and each new cell gets an exact copy of DNA.
My Cell
First of all what is a Cell? Cells are basic unit of life, cells are small and can be seen through a microscope. So what is in a cell and how do they work.
• Plasma membrane- (A Pink bowel)- The outer surface of a cell that regulates what can enter the cell and what can exit.
• Mitochondrion- (Blue Moon Sand)- Organelle that carries out cellular respiration, producing ATP molecules.
• Nucleolus- (Cotton ball)- Dark staining, spherical body in the cell nucleus that produces ribosomal subunits.
• Nucleus- (Pink Moon Sand)- stores genetic information.
• Rough ER- (off white yarn)-
• Smooth ER- (Stringers with hearts)-
• Vesicle- (Thumbtacks)- Small, membrane-bounded sac that stores substances within a cell.
• Lysosome- (BB balls)- membrane-bound vesicle that contains hydrolytic enzymes for digesting macromolecules.
• Golgi Apparaus- (Green yarn)- Organelle, consisting of saccules and vesicles, that processes, packages, and distributes molecules about or form the cell.
• Centrioles- (cap of a marker)- Cellular structure, existing in pairs, that possibly organizes the mitotic spindle for chromosomal movement during mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis is duplication division. The nuclei of the two new cells have the same number and kinds of chromosomes as the ell that divides.

Molecule-highlighted paper
DNA is the genetic material and that DNA is largely found in the chromosomes, located in the nucleus of a cell.

This following picture is a DNA double helix; it is composed of two strands that spiral about each other.

Items used for this Project

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